Every few years, church delegates from across the nation join together for general assembly and convention meetings. During this time, they vote on legislative matters, appoint church delegates and address other pressing issues. Voting is an essential part of General Assemblies and Conventions. Many elections are held at this time. Resolutions are also ratified. Policies and bylaws are passed, and programs and directives are agreed upon.

Many committees rely on paper ballots and scantrons for their voting process, despite the availability of audience response systems with robust electronic voting software. However, the right electronic voting system can save hours upon hours of time, and free up assembly and convention staffing resources. Unlike with scantron systems, voting results can be collected, weighed, calculated, and even displayed within seconds.

Let’s take a closer look at how audience response systems can help General Assembly and Convention staff.


Automating ballot voting and counting

There are many e-voting features and settings for committee leaders to customize. Once decided upon, committee organizers can upload ballot questions and:

  • Specify as many voting options as needed
  • Weigh voting entries based with custom rules
  • Conceal votes for sensitive ballots
  • Set a countdown timer and voting end-time to stay on-schedule
  • Restrict voting participation to a list of pre-registered attendees

Delegates can cast their votes from any location that is permitted using a variety of devices. With audience response systems, smartphone, tablet, desktop and wireless keypad clickers are transformed into voting devices.

Reducing ballot voting and counting errors

With audience response systems, margins for error are also drastically reduced compared to paper counting. Tricky weighted vote formulas no longer hold up voting counts and results. After each vote has been conducted, staff members can review result reports.

Committee leaders also have the option to conceal or display the results of each vote. Results can either be displayed as they come in or be revealed at the end of the voting period.

With audience response systems, convention and assembly staff can work at a higher capacity. Requiring less manpower than with paper and scantron voting, more resources can be dedicated to other critical tasks. Zero time is spent collecting or counting votes. Opportunities for counting error and delay are also greatly reduced.

Talk to a professional about whether audience response systems are a right fit for your church organization with a free consultation.